What is EV Cashout?
Written by Tech
Updated over a week ago

EV Cashout is a replacement of All-in Insurance. It is offered to players with 60% or higher pot equity and is ahead at that moment of the hand after all live player’s have revealed their hole cards. Accepting the EV Cashout means you take the cashout amount and forfeit the eventual outcome of the hand.

  • EV Cashout is only offered in Hold’em, PLO, PLO-5, Rush & Cash, and Short Deck cash games.

  • When there are multiple pots, EV Cashout will be offered combining all pots which the player is eligible to win.

  • In a two-way all-in situation, the player who is behind at that moment of the hand (Eg: No pair but multiple draws with >60% equity) will only have the option to suggest RIMT, and will not be able to choose EV Cashout

  • EV Cashout will be paid after the hand is completed.

  • If the player does not accept the EV Cashout within the given time, the offer will be automatically declined.

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